tac TAC = 1.Technical Assistance Committee (of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations) (联合国经济及社会理事会)技术援助委员会。 2.Tactical Air Command 〔美国〕战术空军司令部。 3.Thai Airways Company 泰国航空公司。
Oh , god . i ' m so hungry , i ' d sell my grandmother for a tic tac 我饿到愿意拿我阿嬷换一颗糖果
Okay . - tic tac , anyone 没问题有人要喉糖吗
You might consider a tic tac 你该吃点口香糖了
Zapping - tic tac 嘀嗒糖?
Tic Tac (officially styled as "tic tac") is a brand of small, hard mints manufactured by the Italian confectioner Ferrero, and available in a variety of flavours. The individual candy pieces are commonly called Tic Tacs.